Questioning Jewish Circumcision
Associates of CRC
" W h y a r e w e d o i n g t h i s ? "
Like the American cultural practice of circumcision, Jewish circumcision is dependent on the acceptance of cultural myths. Of all the myths that Jews believe about circumcision, the one that is paramount is the belief that all Jews circumcise. With this belief, we put ourselves under tremendous pressure to conform. Bound by this burden to comply with social expectations, most Jews do not recognize that circumcision is a choice. Since open communication about circumcision is discouraged, there is virtually no awareness of others who feel similar conflicts around circumcision. Moreover, if a Jew does decide not to circumcise a male child, it is not generally known to the rest of the community. As a result, many parents submit to the pressure and then discover only too late, perhaps after witnessing the circumcision of their son, that they wish they had chosen differently. Some parents report that if they could take back one decision, it would be their son's circumcision. |
OUR PURPOSE Because of this general lack of awareness and communication, Jewish Associates of CRC was founded. One purpose of Jewish Associates of CRC is to make known to the Jewish community that there are a growing number of Jews who either have not circumcised their son or would choose not to circumcise a future son. It is an opportunity for Jews who take this position to declare themselves and to be counted. A confidential list of Jews who contact the Circumcision Resource Center for this purpose is maintained. The response has been substantial. We have hundreds of names on file. It is also important to inform the general public and media sources of the existence of Jews who do not circumcise. Dispelling the myth outside of the Jewish community that all Jews circumcise will help to support and expand the American circumcision debate. Another purpose of Jewish Associates of CRC is to gather and disseminate information to interested Jews about the experiences of those who choose to keep their children intact and whole. This information will add to the growing understanding and acceptance of alternatives to circumcision in the Jewish community. Our caring for the Jewish community and Jewish male infants compels us to break the silence that supports circumcision. We trust that the enduring Jewish values of ethics and education will lead more Jews to the realization that circumcision does not serve the best interests of the child or the community of Jews. |
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Featured article from Jewish Spectator: Circumcision: A Source of Jewish Pain |
Would you like to hear the views of other Jewish parents on circumcision?
The 8th Day is a documentary about Jewish mothers and fathers struggling to decide whether or not to circumcise their sons. If you'd like to purchase a copy of the program, send an e-mail to or go to for more information.
©1999 Circumcision Resource Center |